My Teenage Rebellion In The Communist Poland

Some day in the past I was a member of a punk crew. I am not ashamed of it. Polish teenagers of the 1980s used to live in the reality of a communist country. The reds somehow tried to remove punk rock from the Polish show business. There was the censorship which did not allow for releasing punk rock music. Thus, punk in Poland of the 1980s was the underground music. People involved in that movement established crews. A crew was a small group of creative friends. They issued their own fanzines and wrote poetry. Some crew members were the musicians of punk rock and hardcore bands too. It happened that some juvenile delinquents or even antisocial persons found a punk crew a perfect place to be. The red Polish mass media made use of that fact by presenting the images of a punk offender, criminal or a punk class enemy. Certainly, it was a false as well as a stereotyped view of the Polish punk movement. I belonged to such a crew. Morever, I was writing poetry myself. I was the only creative person in my crew. My poems were very gloomy, pessimistic, sad and melancholic.I could not see any ray of light in our dim portrait of everyday Polish life. I wrote about 50 poems in Polish. I translated a half into English (see my lyrics). The other crew members were drinking like a fish and were hanging around liquer stores or supermarkets. I used to attend punk rock and hardcore gigs. The pogo was the real expression of frustration. It could have been the case that some young people - punk rock fans felt highly enslaved and inhibited by the state actions. That way freedom was abused by the red authorities and the official enslavement was mantained. However, punk had survived during those hard times in the 1980s. The fans could put up with many inconveniences. At first, the music of Polish punk rock bands was recorded on the audio tapes. Next, it was given to the fans. The state was not able to control the unofficial distribution of the forbidden material. As for a political dimension, some persons associated with punk movement contributed to the fall of the communist system in Poland. They had been always independent and nonconformist. Soon their rebellion resulted in the political system transformation. It took place in a memorable year - 1989. Since 1989 Poland had become a free and a democratic country. Freedom would seem to be no longer abused both by the state and an individual.
Mój bunt młodzieńczy w komunistycznej Polsce
Kiedyś w przeszłości należałem do załogi punkowej. Nie wstydzę się tego. Polskie nastolatki lat 80. żyły w rzeczywistości, jaką kreował kraj komunistyczny. Komuniści jakoś chcieli usunąć punk rock z polskiego show businessu. Istniała cenzura, która nie pozwalała na swobodne wydawanie nagrań z muzyką punkową. Tak więc punk w Polsce lat 80. XX wieku był muzyką artystycznego podziemia. Ludzie zaangażowani w działalność ruchu punk powoływali do życia tzw. załogi. Załoga była to mało liczna grupa kreatywnych przyjaciół. Załogi wydawały swoje własne fanziny i tworzyły nawet poezję. Niektórzy członkowie załóg byli także muzykami kapel punk rockowych i hardcore'owych. Zdarzało się czasami, że do załóg punkowych trafili osobnicy antyspołeczni, nieletni przestępcy, znajdując tam pełną akceptację. Zależne od czerwonych polskie media wykorzystały ten fakt na drodze manipulacji, kreując obraz punka przestępcy, zbrodniarza, a nawet punka wroga klasowego. Oczywiście, wizerunek ten był fałszywy jak i odpowiadał stereotypowemu myśleniu o polskim ruchu punk. Jak wspomniałem należałem do takiej załogi. Sam pisałem także poezję. W zasadzie byłem jedyną osobą kreatywną w mojej załodze. Moje wiersze były smutne, bardzo pesymistyczne i melancholijne. Nie potrafiłem dostrzec promyka światła w naszym codziennym, mrocznym życiu w Polsce. Napisałem około 50 wierszy po polsku. Przetłumaczyłem połowę na angielski (zobacz odnośnik MY LYRICS na stronie głównej). Pozostali kumple z załogi upijali się, stąd ich głównym zajęciem było włóczenie się w okolicach sklepów monopolowych. W tamtych czasach często chodziłem na koncerty kapel punkowych i hardcore. Taniec pogo stanowił prawdziwą ekspresję frustracji. To mogło mieć miejsce, że niektórzy młodzi ludzie - fani punk rocka czuli się w wysokim stopniu zniewoleni i zahamowani przez działania państwa. W taki sposób komunistyczne władze nadużywały wolności, oficjalnie utrzymując stan niewoli. Jednak punk przetrwał te ciężkie czasy lat 80. XX wieku. Fani punka potrafili znosić niewygody. Najpierw muzyka z piosenkami polskich kapel punkowych była nagrywana na taśmy magnetofonowe. Potem przekazywano je fanom. Państwo nie mogło całkowicie kontrolować tego nieoficjalnego obiegu zabronionego materiału. Mając na względzie wymiar polityczny, to niektórzy ludzie powiązani z ruchem punk przyczynili się do upadku komunizmu w Polsce. Byli oni zawsze niezależni i nonkonformistyczni. Wkrótce ich bunt doprowadził do transformacji ustrojowej. Miało to miejsce w pamiętnym 1989 roku. Od 1989 roku Polska stała się wolnym i demokratycznym krajem. Wydawało się, że wolność nie będzie już nigdy zagrożona przez nadużycia będące udziałem zarówno państwa, jak i osoby.
Punk In Poland Today. What About Hardcore And Straight Edge?

Punk movement is not so active today as it used to be even ten years ago. At present, Polish punk rock is the commercial music. Some bands can earn big money playing punk rock in Poland. It is no longer a sheer nonconformist power in rock and roll music. PUNK IS DEAD now because it is not supposed to be the underground movement. But HARDCORE STILL LIVES. The Polish hardcore (especially, straight edge and hardline) protests against everything that has been connected with punk.
Punk w Polsce obecnie. A co z hardcore i straight edge?
Obecnie ruch punk nie jest tak aktywny jak nawet jeszcze 10 lat temu. Teraz polski punk rock jest muzyką komercyjną. Niektóre kapele zarabiają duży szmal grając punk rocka w Polsce. Nie jest już on prawdziwą nonokonformistyczną siłą w muzyce. PUNK JEST MARTWY obecnie i nie jest już ruchem podziemia artystycznego. Jednak HARDCORE WCIĄŻ ŻYJE. Polski hardcore (w szczególności straight edge i hardline) protestuje przeciwko wszystkiemu, co było i jest powiązane z punkiem.
My Lyrics

Moje wiersze/teksty
Wiersze napisałem będąc nastolatkiem (w latach 1985-1988). Ten okres w życiu był dla mnie bardzo burzliwy. Przywykłem do przeklinania i używania brzydkich słów. Ten wulgarny język wyrażał bunt młodego człowieka. Zdjęcie wykonałem kiedy miałem 18 lat. Fotografia była mi potrzebna do dowodu osobistego. Nigdy nie byłem w Stanach, ale uwielbiam demokrację amerykańską. Sądzę, że sprawia, iż naród amerykański ma zaufanie do państwa. Polska demokracja wciąż opiera się na państwie, które nie jest przyjaźnie nastawione do przeciętnego obywatela. Tak więc pod tym względem nic się nie zmieniło do chwili obecnej. Sytuacja obecna może zostać zobrazowana w następujący sposób: "Wyobraźmy sobie niemowlę (obecne polskie państwo i demokracja), które pozostawiono w cieniu starego drzewa (symbolizującego przeszłość komunistyczną i system totalitarny), które powinno zostać ścięte". Będąc pozbawionym jakiegokolwiek promyka światła słonecznego dziecko nie może zostać oświecone. Wszystkie nowe idee lub kreatywne rozwiązania mogą stać się dla dziecka niebezpieczne, gdy tylko opuści bezpieczny cień starego drzewa.
My Lyrics From The 1980s / Moje wiersze z lat 80. XX wieku
Is there a shit in the world? When everything you can see is scum all around. And there is no ideal but matter in our minds. The elderly sleep loudly. They are tired of being alive. Is our life a shit? Since there is no change for the better. Lie, Second Face, Hatred, Jealousy, Betrayal... All of these things feed on us. No, I don't believe in the future! There is too much evil in the world. And the one who wants to be good. He knows too much! Death to it! That's enough! Shit is everywhere and you can't expect anything positive!
Czy gówno jest na świecie? Kiedy wszystko co widzisz wokoło to szlam. Walą się ideały z hukiem, tylko materia w naszych myślach. Śpią starzy z pomrukiem. Są zmęczeni życiem. Czy nasze życie jest gównem? Skoro nic się nie zmienia na lepsze. Kłamstwo, Druga twarz, Nienawiść, Zazdrość, Zdrada. Wszystko to na nas żeruje. Nie, nie wierzę w przyszłość! Za dużo zła na tym świecie. A ten co dobrze chce. Ten za dużo wie. Koniec z tym! Dość! Gówno nas otacza i nie zanosi się na nic dobrego!
I feel sick. I'm almost vomitting. I have always had bone aches. Am I gonna survive this time? And the next, following day? I am still not OK. Far from being normal. I think about nothing. All the blood is flowing into my deformed brain. Since I have lost you... And you ain't gonna come back to me! You won't be singing a blissful song! Just to survive this day. A few days more and I'll be better.. But I will never be happy. Cause you can only bring me happiness.
Czuję się podle. Prawie wymiotuję. Zawsze bolały mnie kości. Czy tym razem przetrwam? A następny, kolejny dzień? Wciąż nie czuję się dobrze. Daleko do normalności. Nie myślę o niczym. Cała krew dopływa do mojego zdeformowanego mózgu. Odkąd ciebie straciłem...A ty nie wrócisz do mnie! Nie zaśpiewasz pięknej piosenki! Tylko przetrwać ten dzień. Jeszcze kilka dni i poczuję się lepiej.. Jednak nigdy nie będę szczęśliwy. Bo tylko ty możesz sprawić abym był szczęśliwy.
Hope is the mother of fools. Hope for a better world. Hope for a better life. Hope for love instead of hate. Hope for cheerfulness and happiness. Hope for the endless drinking. Hope for the truth and freedom. Hope for human modesty. Hope for changing everything. All my fucked up life. It can't be done!
Nadzieja jest matką głupców. Nadzieja na lepszą rzeczywistość. Nadzieja na lepsze życie. Nadzieja na miłość zamiast nienawiści. Nadzieja na radość i szczęście. Nadzieja na picie bez końca. Nadzieja na prawdę i wolność. Nadzieja na skromność ludzi. Nadzieja na zmianę wszystkiego. Całego mojego zjebanego życia. Nie spełni się nigdy!
Desire for everything. Desire for a luxury life. Desire for everyday drinking. Desire for a girl and unbounded sex. Desire for everything you want at the moment. Desire for joy and laugh. Desire for freedom and love. Desire for a better world. Desire for changing your fucking world! That's a utopia!
Pragnienie wszystkiego. Pragnienie życia w luksusie. Pragnienie codziennego picia. Pragnienie dziewczyny i seksu bez zahamowań. Pragnienie wszystkiego czego chcesz w danej chwili. Pragnienie radości i śmiechu. Pragnienie wolności i miłości. Pragnienie by świat był lepszy. Pragnienie zmiany waszego pojebanego świata! To utopia!
I am still drinking with my friends. One glass after another. Why do I drink? I hope I know. Death to evil! Then I could feel like somebody else. I can forget the rotten world around me I am joyful, satisfied with myself. I feel like heaven but I still can't forget love for You. I drink and I am going to drink until something changes! And all the lies will perish! Frankness - everyone takes for granted. Ian Curtis must have passed away. They destroyed his truth and made him a legend. But you are not with us any longer. I must know about all of these And to be dead drunk lying in the bush! No, I can't feel anything then, I am a corpse. Alcohol, alcohol, alcohol. Let us be reborn! To be anobody else! Stop lying to us! To be always head over heels. Thus, there is no taboo? I am really frank. But, everyone makes a fool of myself. Stop fucking bullshits! Open another bottle!
Wciąż piję z moimi kumplami. Jedną szklankę za drugą. Czemu piję? Mam nadzieję, że wiem. Koniec ze złem! Wtedy mogę poczuć się jak ktoś inny. Zapominam o zgniłym świecie wokół mnie. Jestem szczęśliwy, zadowolony z siebie. Czuję się jak w niebie. Jednak nie mogę wciąż zapomnieć tej miłości do ciebie. Piję i będę pić aż coś się zmieni! I wszystkie te kłamstwa zginą! Szczerość, którą każdy przyjmuje za pewnik. Ian Curtis musiał umrzeć. Oni zniszczyli jego prawdę i zrobili z niego legendę. Jednak już nie jesteś z nami. Muszę o tym wszystkim wiedzieć. I być pijanym do nieprzytomności, leżąc w krzakach! Nie, nic wtedy nie czuję, jestem trupem. Alkohol, alkohol, alkohol. Pozwól nam na nowo narodzić się! Stać się kimś innym! Przestańcie nas okłamywać! Zawsze mieć głowę w chmurach. Zatem, nie ma tabu? Jestem naprawdę szczery. Jednak każdy robi ze mnie durnia. Przestań pierdolić farmazony! Otwórz kolejną butelkę!
I'm glad I'm alive. I am satisfied with everyday shower. I am cheerful about everything. Every close feeling I get. Every smile I can see and every empty bottle I'm getting rid of. I love life. I take on a mask of ignorance. To be more unreal. No, that's not OK. You must despair. Nihilism is my god. You win everyday and every week. The fallen angels, the wicked, the depressed. Tired of living and fucking around. False vibrations. I don't know what to do. And who is to blame? But I might be overspat after a French kiss. Be happy not sad! Overlook the evil you experience all the time. Get the second skin for yourself. Are you a fucking cameleon?
Cieszę się, że żyję. Zadowala mnie codzienny prysznic. Raduję się wszystkim. Każdym uczuciem bliskim, którego doznaję. Każdym uśmiechem, który widzę i każdą pustą butelką, której się pozbywam. Kocham życie. Zakładam maskę ignorancji. By być bardziej nieprawdziwy. Nie, to nie jest OK. Musisz rozpaczać. Nihilizm jest moim bogiem. Ty wygrywasz codziennie i każdego tygodnia. Upadłe anioły, niegodziwcy, przygnębieni. Zmęczeni życiem i opierdalaniem się. Fałszywe wibracje. Nie wiem co począć. I kogo za to winić? Jednak mogę być zapluty po francuskim pocałunku. Bądź szczęśliwy a nie smutny! Nie dostrzegaj zła, którego ciągle doświadczasz. Spraw sobie drugą skórę. Czy jesteś kameleonem?
Nature is both death and life. We all gonna die, it's obvious. We will take our place in a tiny space of our coffin. The good, the bad, the rich, the poor. Death is the only justice in this fucking world. Where else could you find it? We don't think about dying. We think we are immortal. Yes, but money will fade away like a hue. We are just a fucking straw. Easily broken by the wind. Dust to dust. Ashes to ashes. You don't know the death. And you don't know when death knocks on your door! That's nature. The power of death!
Natura to śmierć i życie. Wszyscy umrzemy, to oczywiste. Zajmiemy swoje ciasne miejsce w naszej trumnie. Dobrzy, źli, bogaci, biedni. Śmierć jest jedyną sprawiedliwością na tym pieprzonym świecie. Gdzie jeszcze można ją znaleźć? Nie myślimy o umieraniu. Myślimy, że jesteśmy nieśmiertelni. Tak, jednak pieniądze wyblakną tak jak barwa. Jesteśmy tylko pieprzonym źdźbłem. Łatwo łamanym przez wiatr. Z prochu powstałeś. W proch się obrócisz. Nie znasz śmierci. I nie wiesz kiedy śmierć zapuka do twoich drzwi! To natura. Potęga śmierci!
Ireland | THE BOOMTOWN RATS, U2 | |
Netherlands | THE EX, B.G.K | |
Power Music
Punk Rock

Many punk bands were not able to earn their living, playing their music. Some musicians often did additional jobs. They played punk for the people, their fans. It did not matter how large the audience was. It happened that they could play for just fifty persons or thousands of fans. An assumption: "not for profit" was simply the core of all "underground music branches and styles (industrial, techno, new wave, hardcore, punk, straight edge, hard-line)". However, in my opinion, each of these music genres should be labelled "punk" despite the fact that the term is often omitted because it is believed to be pejorative. Nevertheless, many, particularly, punk rock bands, have been commercial so far because punk music is successfully sold in the world, even nowadays. Some managers made big money promoting this music e.g. Malcolm McLaren (SEX PISTOLS). After the punk boom in 1976, many other bands began performing on the stage not only in England and the US but all over the world. We could mention few bands which were established in the 1970s and early 1980s (see the table). The 1980s and the 1990s were the decades of the punk rock rebirth. That time many smashing bands, searching for a new sound and a postmodern tune occurred. Among them were: SONIC YOUTH, PIXIES, CHUMBAWAMBA, PULP, ALIEN SEX FIEND, THE CULT, NEW MODEL ARMY, FUGAZI, BAUHAUS, THE FALL, CLAN OF XYMOX, SINK, BUTTHOLE SURFERS, THE OFFSPRING, RANCID, THE MIGHTY MIGHTY BOSSTONES, GREEN DAY, THE STROKES, and more. The music played by them was frequently called either "new wave" or "alternative rock". An exception to the rule is Glenn Danzig. He performed in MISFITS as a frontman. The music played by MISFITS was a pure punk merged with a gloomy atmosphere borrowed from horror stories and movies. However, Glenn's music in his own band (DANZIG) is rather more like rock'n'roll, blues or heavy metal inspired by occultism and magic. Moreover, his uncommon lyrics may inhibit the purists by the erotic and sexual background. In postmodern times some dance, techno bands appealed to the punk rock tradition. A fascination of punk was expressed by a famous and controversial band PRODIGY. Their leader Liam Howlett labelled himself and his friends "cyber punks".
Hardcore, Hard Core
Another, both an interesting and extreme subgenre, namely "communist straight edge" actually tries to merge hardcore with more radical views and trends such as internationalism, communism, gay and lesbian liberation movement, do it yourself ethic (for example a Dutch band - MAN LIFTING BANNER or a NYC band - BORN AGAINST).
Hardcore became popular in the 1980s and 1990s. We should mention such hardcore bands, which were more active in those decades, as for example: T.S.O.L. (True Sounds of Liberty), NOMEANSNO, AGNOSTIC FRONT, S.O.D., MADBALL, M.O.D. (Method of Destruction), SUICIDAL TENDENCIES, 7 SECONDS, SLAPSHOT, GORILLA BUISCUITS, PROJECT X, BURN, BREACH, NEGLECT, DAMNATION A.D., INTEGRITY, EYE FOR AN EYE, RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, CRO-MAGS, BIOHAZARD, EARTH CRISIS, INSTED, BLINDFOLD, CONFRONT, UNBROKEN, REFUSED, VERBAL ASSAULT. There are many variations of hardcore music. Apart from straight edge and hardline, we could also mention the following subgenres: Christcore, deathcore, grindcore, metalcore, hatecore (e.g. SHEER TERROR, BLOOD FOR BLOOD, NEGLECT, HATEBREED, RYKERS).
- Christcore - the lyrics are devoted to The Holy Person - Jesus Christ and the sacred rules established by Him: love, goodness, kindness, mercy, faith, fidelity, hospitality. The followers of this branch protest against violating these rules.
- Hatecore - the lyrics, basically, refer to hate. It is also about the worst things in human such as: evil, libido, sex drives, negative emotions like: hatred, jealousy, envy, fear, anxiety, regret, guilt, neurotic pride, vanity. It may be true that some skinheads are fond of this music genre.
- Deathcore - as the name suggests the lyrics concern dying, mortality, suicide and suffering.
- Grindcore - this variation makes extreme noise and it is similar to thrash metal, the lyrics seem to be less important.
It should be noted that just a few branches of hardcore music have been described here. There is more of them because hardcore is basically linked to a variety of rock music genres such as: heavy metal (especially thrash metal and metalcore), rap, hip-hop, punk rock or even new wave. Punk rock and hardcore fans do not live in a perfect harmony. Some hardcore followers disrespect punks for being the rejects and scum. The difference lies in an attitude towards life. Punks sometimes suffer from self-destruction. They destroy themselves by alcohol and drug abuse. Hardcore fans are more creative and have a tendency to work on themselves. It happens that hardcore fans are beating punks at concerts and are allied with skinheads or nazi punks. Some hardcore "crews" believe in "punk rock alliance with hardcore" and are ready to support those punk rockers who are in danger. However, the true enemies of punks are not skinheads but nazi punks. A word "crew" refers to a bunch of punk rock or hardcore fans, a micro-community, a support group. The members of such a group help each other, share the possessions, money, property and thus are quite independent of the state. A crew may remind us of the commune set up by hippie in the 1960s. The last dimension in regard to the difference between heavy metal rock and hardcore is the hard rock influence. On the one hand, it may be assumed that hard rock had a stronger impact on the heavy metal development. On the other hand, punk rock music could be a source of inspiration as far as the hardcore artists are concerned. We may even say that punk rock is an elder brother of hardcore. The same thing could be told about the association between hard rock and heavy metal music.
New Wave
Although many experts at punk music avoid using a label "new wave" such a term is employed in a specific fashion. It has been coined with reference to this part of punk music (sometimes equated with a term "post-punk") which sounds in a different way. It is much more mysterious, symbolic, imaginative and complex music than pure punk. Sometimes, an appropriate name is also either "gothic rock" or "alternative rock". But, it often happens that "gothic rock" and "alternative rock" are believed to be another two distinct genres of music. Nevertheless, "new wave", "gothic rock" and "alternative rock" sometimes sound quite alike. Considering new wave or alternative music, JOY DIVISION (initially, also known as WARSAW) is a good example. This band is now regarded as "classic new wave". It is admired not only by punk rockers but also by the people who know so little about punk. JOY DIVISION became a legend after the death of a charismatic leader - Ion Curtis. He hung himself. He had had to put up with his tragic disease (epilepsy) for several years. Furthermore, he was entangled with another woman. It could have led to his marriage break-up. The music composed by JOY DIVISION resembled film images which reflected a gloomy, dim, dark, sad or mysterious reality. Moreover, their music was actually evolving from post-punk (WARSAW) to the more complex sound on the last studio album ("Closer"). The band could have perfectly combined the lyrics with the music. It was a smashing mixture. Through their lyrics, the band somehow told us the movie stories about alienation, isolation, suffering and human pitfalls. JOY DIVISION music was based on a clearly isolated bass guitar sound. It was one of the first bands which had chosen to play that peculiar way. Other examples are: THE FALL, SONIC YOUTH, SISTERS OF MERCY, XMAL DEUTSCHLAND, INTERPOL, THE EDITORS. The Polish new wave bands that are worth mentioning here: MADAME, VARIETE, MADE IN POLAND, 1984, JOANNA MAKABRESKU, CLOSTERKELLER. Furthermore, "the new wave sound" can also be heard while listening to many bands which have been searching for the pretty ingenious music solutions, e.g. BLONDIE, SIOUXIE AND THE BANSHEES, NICK CAVE AND THE BAD SEEDS, KILLING JOKE, DEVO, TALKING HEADS, XTC, THE THE, ADAM AND THE ANTS, SIMPLE MINDS, THE CARS, TUXEDOMOON, NINE INCH NAILS, SPEAR OF DESTINY, DEUS, MORPHINE, LOVE AND ROCKETS, BECK, SWANS, LAIBACH, KRAFTWERK, SUICIDE, THE YOUNG GODS, NENA, PULP, INXS, THE WOLFGANG PRESS, THE SMITHS, THROWING MUSES, THIS MORTAL COIL, DEAD CAN DANCE, KORN, JANE'S ADDICTION, KLAXONS, THE NATIONAL, THE DANDY WARHOLS, THE SMASHING PUMPKINS, THE CRANBERRIES. These bands were trying to combine different styles of music: electronic, jazz, punk, industrial, new wave, hardcore, pop, rap, soul, funk and reggae. Moreover, it is likely to be the case that "avant-garde" may be an appropriate word in this debate on the new wave and alternative music styles. Therefore, in this regard, FRANK ZAPPA could be considered a leading American artist who has had a huge impact on many bands playing this sort of music. His songs actually remind us of a garden variety of sounds and tunes, hence they may be classified as various music genres. The different pieces (genres) of the music composed by him are clustered around the idea or concept of "avant-garde", "novelty" and "exceptionality". And similarly, there is a strong linkage or association between such genres as "new wave" and "new romantic" (usually closely related to "synth and brit pop") represented, especially by British bands: ULTRAVOX, THE HUMAN LEAGUE, A FLOCK OF SEAGULLS, YAZOO, DURAN DURAN, TEARS FOR FEARS, VISAGE, CHINA CRISIS, ORCHESTRAL MANOEUVRES IN THE DARK (OMD), SPANDAU BALLET, DEPECHE MODE.
The Famous Bands And Artists Having Punk Roots
There are many great bands which could have been admired on the stage during "the punk boom". It happens that this fact is just overlooked. Although, over the decades many of them have been drastically changing the artistic image, their creative activity somehow resembles punk.
- THE POLICE (e.g. a famous song called "Roxenne" sounds like punk);
- THE STRANGLERS (especially their first albums: "Rattus Norvegicus", "Black And White", "No More Heroes");
- SIMPLE MINDS; DEPECHE MODE sometimes classified as "new romantic" or "new wave" (they were impressed by first shows of punk bands);
- METALLICA (Lars Ullrich said: "Recording our first LP "Kill'em All" we tried to merge punk rock with hard rock - the effect was magnificent...". An album of METALLICA "Garage A.D." contains cover tracks by such punk bands as: DISCHARGE, MISFITS and many more. These songs were their favorite when they were teenagers);
- SLAYER (One of the guitarists has been always a fan of punk rock. SLAYER along with ICE-T recorded their special track titled "Disorder". It was a combination of the three separate songs by THE EXPLOITED: "UK 82", "War" and "Disorder" itself, actually molded into one piece of music. It could be found on the soundtrack of "Judgment Night" movie. The song was probably devoted to the youth riot provoked by the police killing of two black teenagers in the 1990s, LA. It has been one of the most powerful tracks ever played);
- DAVID BOWIE and his bands (he was a friend of IGGY POP and along with Iggy he could have been seen as a famous artist in the world of punk and new wave music);
- KISS (Although the music they have played for over 40 years is neither punk rock nor hardcore, they may be regarded as one of the pioneers of shock, glam rock. Punk rockers might have been inspired by their provocative and "theatrical" shows);
- NIRVANA (a famous grounge band recorded a track called "Smells Like a Teen Spirit"; it is a song about an anarchist attitude);